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mardi 30 novembre 2010

What is the best answer an hotelier can make to a negative review? Comments about Lauriane's post

I totally agree with your comments and I do agree that hotels need to take their responsabilities by answering to the disappointed guests as soon as the negative comment is posted. It is very interesting to read your comments because it is also related to my review that I posted regarding an article on TripAdvisor.

I also totally agree when you say that websites like TripAdvisor represent a very good opportunity for the hoteliers to express themselves, to have the opportunity to cummunicate with their previous or future guests and to answer to negative comments. It will prove that the hotels are responsible, they can admit some mistakes in their organisation and improve their service.

I also agree that it will be a bad strategy to block or censor these websites as the hotels will loose the possibility to expose their good comments and will definitely loose the possibility to communicate with their future guests.

Link to Lauriane's article with her comments

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