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dimanche 20 mars 2011

10 ways to continue the conversation with customers

The article is about how to continue the conversation with your customers and enlarge your community with a few tips.
This article is also focusing on how to continue the conversation after the customers bought something and how to continue to attract them through social media, emails, newsletters.
It is very important to find the balance of providing good and relevant information and sending too many emails or notifications to advertise on new products. Businesses need to find good ways to continue the conversation and join other conversations by entertaining efficiently the customers and by providing interesting content on social media or through emails.

Other tips are given in this article :
- being constant by posting every day, every week depending of the size of your business
- interacting very often with your customers
- making the customers participating to your "games", your good deals & offers
- answering to any questions: negative & positive
- never abuse of sending too many emails or notifications - never use customers' information without asking their permission
- create a real relationship between you and your customers

All these tips allow the different companies to be aware of the trends of social media and how to interact efficiently with their customers. It is very important to not "polluate" the customers with too many emails or notifications that will decide the customers to delete these emails or put it as spam ! Businesses need to create a tie relationship with the customers and make them being influencers to enlarge the community. Businesses will be able to advertise on their new products and services without spending a huge amount of money on different social media thanks to the customers/fans/influencers.

Continuing a conversation after buying something is more than important : to expand your business, you need to be present everywhere and on any social media in order to create events, good offers, good deals and also to create partnership with location-based service or other tools of social media. Being present and joining a lot of conversation will definitely help you to create an efficient community.

Link to the article

Link to the full article

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