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dimanche 13 mars 2011

The ROI of video on hotel website

The article is about how a hotel can see a good return by spending a little bit more on video on its website. Video can double the budget of a website project so the question is :
- What does a hotel get back in relation to the small fortune its is spending on this thing ?

According to the article many advantages can be taken of using video on hotel website:
- it will allow the hotel to have a strong visual impact
- it will create an emotional hook to engage the users.
- it will also create a story to make sure that the users can continue to dream and travel when they watch the video.
- the key point is also by engaging the future customers : it is also a good way to increase the hotel image and to enhance its popularity.

But the difficulty is in measuring the right ROI made by a video. It is mesured by the number of times it has been shared and by the viewership. When you are building and communicating a message through a video, the mesasurement is difficult. So it is tough to quantify the success of the video and the great impact of it.

In addition, putting a video on a hotel website create new opportunites by launching new innovative marketing efforts. It allow to create an important opportunity to quickly influence the customer and to create intrigue and a real connection to the brand.

Another way to measure can be taking in consideration : SHARING on social media and use different tools as Klout to measure your great influence and maybe have the possibility to see how many times your video has been shared and viewed by users.
I am totally convinced that making a video for your hotel website is more than important. A video create a story, a real tool to communicate with your customers and maybe the future ones and make the customers understand more your philosophy and the magic hotel that you try to develop.

If you want to create a great impact with your video (that cost you a lot) then share it everywhere !! On Youtube, on Facebook, on the hotel blog and try to make sure that customers will talk about it. The video needs to be innovative, creative, interesting and beautiful. As a customer of luxury hotel or even motel, I love to look at the video and not only pictures. It gives you a real idea of what you will get during your stay.
It is also great when you look for something in particular like a different ambiance, or a special service.

Video is great, so spend a bit more and do it !!

Link to the article

Link to the full article

1 commentaire:

  1. I agree with you also, the video is a great communication tool with customers! Hotels should make available on their website the video of rooms, lobby, restaurant, etc... because it can give global or more realistic image of the hotel.

    The video can also influence customer in their buying decision. It is definitely great tool to promote or enhance hotel's sales.
